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What is Career Counseling and Coaching?

Facilitating Career Development Certification and Instruction for Practitioners
What is Facilitating Career Development?
Facilitating Career Development Professional has completed the Facilitating Career Development Training program and either works in any career development setting, or incorporates career development information or skills in their work with students, adults, clients, employees, or the public. A Facilitating Career Development professional has received in-depth training in the areas of career development, in the form of up to 120+ class and/or instructional hours, provided by a nationally trained and qualified instructor.
This title designates individuals working in a variety of career development settings. A Facilitating Career Development professional may serve as a career group facilitator, job search trainer, career resource center coordinator, career coach, career development case manager, intake interviewer, occupational and labor market information resource person, human resource career development coordinator, employment or placement specialist, or workforce development staff person.
The counseling profession has made great progress in defining professional counseling and career counseling. However, several professional groups recognized that many individuals who are currently providing career assistance are not professional counselors. The Facilitating Career Development training program was developed to provide standards, training specifications, and GFCD credentialing for these career providers. The goal was to define and differentiate two levels of career practice.
Why Should I Consider FCD Training?
Facilitating Career Development training can enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals who work in any type of career development setting.
As a Facilitating Career Development participant, you will receive training in each of the 12 career development competencies. Whether you take the class at home or in the classroom, the training includes hands-on and interactive teaching methods and opportunities to interact with colleagues from a variety of work settings. Since the course content covers 12 important competencies, there is plenty of opportunity to build skills and knowledge in areas that are new to you, as well as enhance and develop those that you use every day in your work.
What Will I Learn?
- Career resources and labor market information
- Career planning processes
- Basic helping and facilitation skills
- Career development models and theories
- Informal and formal assessment approaches
- Diversity and specific population needs
- Development and maintenance of an effective career resource center
- Training others and program promotion
- Case management and referral skills
- Ethical and scope-of-practice issues
- Professional and resource portfolios
- Cutting-edge job searching
- and more!
Facilitating Career Development Training
This 120-hour training and certificate is internationally recognized as foremost in the field of career development and when completed, allows the candidate to apply for the GCDF or the CCSP credential. Entirely online (except by request) to allow access to all, the required NCDA Student Manual and supplemental assignments will broaden your knowledge and application of career development practices with remote. Flexible delivery for individuals and groups. Includes customized review of the LinkedIn profile, access to 8 assessments, review of personal career management plans, and weekly Zoom meetings. Discounts for groups of 5 or more. Excludes Student Manual, excludes college credit.
Facilitating Career Development Instructor Training
This training allows a qualified (by application) individual to conduct the FCD training/certification. Except by request, this training is conducted entirely online with assignments geared to build your own course under established NCDA guidelines. No one can teach the FCD course without authorized FCD-I training.
Custom Facilitating Career Development Training (Three Month)
At Career Consulting Concepts, we specialize in providing expert career development solutions tailored to your unique needs. With our personalized approach and in-depth knowledge of the industry, we are committed to helping you achieve your goals and find fulfillment in your professional journey. Contact us for a custom quote!
Continuing Education Unit Training (CEUs)
These are established and credible webinars that are topical in nature, approved by NCDA to support the credentials earned. The Certified Career Services Provider and the GCDF require 30 hours of CEU’s every three years to keep the credential current. Topics range from career genograms, AI, parent involvement in career development, etc.
*Now available in Arabic
Career Counseling & Coaching
Career Counseling Sessions
“What’s holding you back?” is a crucial question to ask yourself. If you sense that something needs to be addressed, then career counseling might be a path to follow. We will examine your current situation, look at what is not working, and find a path to change. What it is not is the mechanics of job application, but rather, an examination of the factors within you that might be holding you back. These are virtual face-to-face one-hour sessions.
Private Career Coaching
This is a support for you as you investigate industries, jobs, Chat GPT, resume writing, cover letters, applications, organization of the job search and the interview process. Often, having a guide through this experience is the help you need.
Integrating Your ATS Resume & LinkedIn Profile
Is it necessary to use generative AI? Not necessarily, but LinkedIn provides us with a range of tools to create a compelling and authentic profile that will grab attention. And what about ATS (applicant tracking systems)? Discover valuable tips to tailor your résumé and avoid getting screened out.
“Ellen was the catalyst that changed my life from the mundane, and provided the instruction that helped me to become a Global Career Development Facilitator, and later a GCDF Instructor. Her mild manner and demeanor do not truly depict the passion that she has for career development and for helping others to find that same passion. She was a supportive instructor, and I owe much of my success as a facilitator, to her.”